Thursday, May 7, 2009

Earth Day Loser

So, I have a confession to make. Today, my daughter's school celebrated Earth Day. Now, this is somewhat confusing to me because I thought Earth Day was a few weeks ago, but what the hey. It's always good to celebrate and take better care of our planet. Anyway, as part of her school's celebration, students were encouraged to walk to school. Now, I like to think of myself as progressive as the next guy, and really wanted to support my daughter's desire to participate.

But it's sooooooo far to her school. And I am lazy. So I now confess publicly on the Inter-tubes that I drove my daughter to within 3 blocks of her school, parked the car, and walked the rest of the way so that we would look like we had walked to school. My daughter is six and seemed to have no problem with this, but I am convinced that I have sowed a seed deeply that will come back to haunt me later in life when she realizes the duplicity that I perpetrated in the name of Earth Day. My only hope in breaking the Karma-tic effect of my deeds is in the confession posted here. So there you have it. Begin throwing your stones from your glass houses...



Oregon Robot said...

If there was a way to get an honest answer from all of the parents of L'il Hazy's classmates I bet you would find that a large percentage of them did the same thing.

Michael said...

That's. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh out loud. Daniel even looked at me funny.