Friday, November 21, 2008

10 Random Austin Noticings

1. Austin parking spots are all way too small. It makes no sense because there are ALWAYS plenty of spots open regardless of the capacity level of wherever you are visiting.
2. There are very few "average" cars in Austin (Honda, Toyota, etc.) The vast majority of people in Austin driver either: A. Oversized SUV/Truck or B. Luxury vehicle. Unfortunately, this just aggravates problem #1 above because said drivers abuse parking spots by taking up too much/too many spots.
3. Bugs in Austin are HUGE! I should not be able to see distinct body parts on a spider in the middle of the road as I drive by it in my car.
4. There is no good pizza in Austin. None. Zero. Zilch. With all the startup companies and the entrepreneurial spirit of this city, it's amazing that no one has stepped in to fill this void.
5. In the Pacific Northwest, Starbucks is considered "bad/cheap/cop-out" In Austin, Starbucks is one of the best tasting sources of coffee.
6. BBQ in the Pacific Northwest is called "Grilling" in Austin. PNW natives have NO idea what real BBQ is.
7. People in Austin that complain about bad traffic have NO IDEA what they are talking about and have obviously never been to SF, Seattle, NY, etc. Heck, even Portland has far worse traffic than Austin.
8. While many people might comment on the "hospitality" of Texans, in many of the female gender, the undeniable politeness is tinged with a horrid sense of entitlement.
9. In November, if the weather dips below freezing for a couple of hours in the middle of the night, it will lead off the evening news cast.
10. Despite having three NBA teams, 2 MLB teams and 1 NHL team within 2-3 hours driving distance, the only sport anyone has ever heard of in Austin is UT football.

1 comment:

Oregon Robot said...

I have never coveted anything that Texas has befoer you guys moved there, but i have to say that the pics of the parks posted at Hazy and your descriptions of ample parking, good traffic and real BBQ make me a little jealous...Mostly the BBQ though, to be honest.

I didn't get a lunch. Just some Mt. Dew.

The real bummer for me is that, unlike Hazlenuts or good wine or bags of coffee beans, you can't ship BBQ cross-country.