Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bizarro Day

Yesterday morning I got up at 6 a.m. and got on an airplane. One hour and fifty minutes later, I arrived in Atlanta, Georgia. I spent the day at a fairly mind-numbing security industry conference, and then at 9:50 p.m. got on a different airplane only to arrive back in Austin at 11:00 p.m.
To think that in this day and age, I can accomplish in only 2 hours what it used to take months to do less than a hundred years ago is just bizarre beyond description. It's even more bizarre when it comes to these same-day trips. I travel a fair bit for work, and these always blow my mind. In a single day, I can travel half-way across the country, do some things, and then return home. How insane is that?
So what would make my day even weirder? How about running into Chris Carter at the conference and Evander Holyfield at the airport. True story. Weird day.


Ron said...

probably the only thing weirder would be to run into your dad at the airport.....cause i wasn't there..... more seriously....yes.... i understand the weirdness of what the modern world does and how small the world is.... once i got on a plane in Hong Kong returning home from Sri Lanka and in the seat behind me was a friend from Portland returning from Nepal and a Honduran Friend who had been my translator when i was in Honduras....he had met my friend from portland and had gone to Nepal as well..... or when I walked into a shoe store in Nairobi and ran into a person I knew from Gallup New Mexico....truly a phenomenal world we live in.

Anonymous said...

It is pretty amazing what people have accomplished throughout recent history. Now all we need are teleportation devices.